It's not good to combine this two, because as you said, u can see the line on the neck then. About those nipples and stuff, I recommend you to download just one skin, which includes face and body also. In game the texture quality is not that high as in CAS is, so those pores won't appear that well. I haven't added to this skin any dirt, pain, makeup or anything like that, at least I didn't mention to do that. The "dirt, paint." which you see are actually pores. You see right now I am using Chickieteeta's female skin and on my female sims, the is a VERY noticeable line between the highest part of the neck and face. Hi back to ya, samko! LOL Yes, I would be interested in just the body skin, but I am interested in the whole package as a skin, just as you have here in this mod, but without any added facial markings, like dirt or paint, or scars, etc. Is that possible? I appreciate your response, and your achievement in your creation of mods. So YES, I believe I would LOVE to try your skin with face skin included, but absent of dirty markings, paint, make up, scars, etc. BUT, Tumyza didn't make a FEmale test skin! I do believe though that Tumyza's TSM male skin test package is what rounds out any imperfection's in the male mesh of Grim's mod, as it is said that his mod will not work without Tumyza's male skin test mod. That is why you made your skin full body and face, right? My male sims do not have this issue as I am using for them Grims Medieval nude mesh, and also female nude mesh, but the nipples on the females is very red and fake looking, so Chickieteeta's Forsaken skin changes the awful appearance of the nipples, and makes the body parts look real.except for the line on the neck. The coloring of the skin is different, so it kind of looks like a barbie doll, where the head of barbie showed it could be removed from barbies body.

But there is no problem, to release body version only, if you're interest. This skin actually contains body and face textures too.